Inna Zaytseva is a photographer based in Germany, having been educated in Moscow, Berlin and London. Frequently working on projects in Italy, Portugal and Switzerland. These 4 different destinations, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy are important to her.
Inna takes pictures on both analogue and digital cameras, focusing on visual concepts, art shots, and taboo topics where a delicate approach is needed.
Inna continues to pursue her art and professional knowledge while collaborating with businesses and private clients, creating significant experiences through her photography. Her passion for capturing moments transforms into timeless visual stories that transcend boundaries.
Made a project about people who are forced to use a wheelchair in the fashion style of Wheeling heart. The project got exhibited in the Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, then in Munich, Germany and Zurich, Switzerland.
She values personal connections and family relationships. Since 2011 she also brought her knowledge from art and editorial photography to weddings.
Inna has an interest in video, drawing urban sketches, fashion and gardening.

Photographer and storyteller
CV | *full CV on request
National Research University — Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Metropolitan University, London
Universität der Künste, Berlin
2020 January, Wheeling Heart, PhotoZÜRICH, Zurich, Switzerland
2019 November, Wheeling Heart, PhotoMÜNCHEN, Praterinsel, München, Germany
2019 October, Omnia Vincit Amor, Château-Hôtel Le Sallay, France
2017 September, Wheeling Heart, German Embassy in Moscow
2017 June, Wheeling Heart, Thomson Reuters, Moscow
2017 June, Wheeling Heart, Deutsche Bank, Moscow
2017, May-July, Wheeling Heart, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow
2014-2016, Grass is Greener on the Other Side, Moscow
2012-2014 About Love, Moscow
BMW, Pampers, Disney, KPMG, Abbott, Tommy Hilfiger, Tom Tailor, Oda, Versace, Liu Jo, American Eagle, Ecco, Chanel, General Electric, Seeberger, Modenese Gastone, Antonella Rossi, Wolfcraft, Unica, Valeo, Fosagro, Tonies, International Chess Federation, Transparency International [and others].
Materials and interviews
Press / english
Inna Zaytseva — On stories and thoughts about photography
Deutsche Bank welcomes Inna Zaytseva project Wheeling Heart
Video interviews and backstages
Movie about Wheeling heart project. It includes interviews with the author, team and all the backstages.
Видео о проекте Wheeling heart, русская версия
О тонкостях работы фотографа и о мечте снимать для Vogue декабрь 2018
Инна Зайцева — инстаграмщицы/профессия фотографа/Рената Литвинова/Переезд в Германию и соц проект июнь 2019
Press / русский
“Самое главное для меня — чувствовать людей”. Интервью
“Проект, который вдохновляет” РИА Новости
“Украли пандус — вынесем на руках”. Как фотопроект вернул желание жить.РИА Новости
“У многих инвалидов потребительское отношение к обществу”. Люди в инвалидных креслах — о своей жизни Сноб
Дойче Банк в России представил фотопроект Инны Зайцевой Wheeling Heart
“Whilst pursuing perfection and your dreams, it is important to not let fear hold you back. Keep the company of people that are close to you and who remain by your side in any situation.
Everyone has dreams, either big or small but not everyone fulfills them. However, even when your dreams start to materialize, it is still of utmost importance that it is you who takes the final step towards them. Only then will you be able to withstand criticism from your decisions.
The first time I was offered to showcase my work, I was fortunate enough for it to be my own solo exhibition. Although I hold a higher degree in economics and public administration, after receiving highly positive feedback from my exhibition, I made a decision to pursue a career in photography. I am extremely grateful to everyone who has supported my decision continues to do so.
To me photography is like writing. It is an opportunity to express my passion without making a single sound. I see this passion in my models, their feminine and elegant appearance, something I appreciate above all.
Life rushes by and can change in the blink of an eye, leaving moments unnoticed. Appreciate every moment and every feeling that grows in your heart. Love and do not be afraid to open up.”

video backstages
Please, find more on the Youtube channel